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Darcy Ing

Darcy Ing
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • Why is there so much human suffering in the world right now? 
  • How can a just and loving God allow human suffering to occur?

People come to me asking these kinds of questions, looking for a personal answer in their own lives.  Typical clients include people who are suffering from anxiety and depression; those  suffering from loss, including job loss; people with relationship, family or financial stress; people of faith looking for answers; ministers seeking counseling; and those who seek a deeper meaning in their lives. 

I help people find their own unique answer to these questions, and to help them cope with what life throws at them. I will help you: 

  • Experience God’s love and compassion
  • Find your own personal meaning for difficult and painful experiences
  • Discover where you have been in life and discern where Spirit wants you to be
  • Determine the choices and paths that are open to you

I believe that Spirit is love, Light and compassion in the world.  Spirit is within us, and within all others as well.  I believe that God’s love and compassionate caring open undreamed of dimensions for all humankind.  God wants us all to live in a peaceful world that values each of us for the unique beings that we are.  I believe that God wants me to help others by helping to alleviate as much human suffering as I can.  I truly believe that Spirit wants all of us to be happy and fulfilled in our lives. 

There is a greater good and a greater Plan than we are able to know.  What we think of as bad or evil can in fact, be a part of a journey whose destination may not be known to us, but is known to Spirit.  Suffering can be used by Spirit to impart a lesson either for ourselves or for future generations.  I believe we can find inspiration in those lessons, and in our struggles to find out what that meaning is.  Let us discover that meaning and inspiration as we journey together.